New from Anxiety Press: Breakneck: Or, it Happened Once in America

Anxiety Press is pleased to announce the release of: Breakneck: Or, it Happened Once in America by Scott Mitchel May


“Since 'breakneck' is defined as fast and dangerous, readers should strap in and prepare for a reckless, full-tilt ride on greased lightning through multiple dark-and-dirty POVs. Fans of Chuck Palahniuk, Scott Wolven, and Disco Elysium will eagerly swallow down this tale of cops, criminals, and monsters of all shades, set against the backdrop of a sweltering near-future America. May interweaves politics with comedy and horror in equal measures, creating a world that is easy to imagine but tough to exist in, where good men are scarce and the truth even scarcer.”

— Lindz McLeod, Author of Turducken and Beast

“Scott Mitchel May continues his journey to draw writers into his sardonic fantasy of what it means to be human. Each word pulsates with fast but beautiful flair and intent. Scott is an author who you should definitely keep on your radar.”

— Mallory Smart, The Only Living Girl In Chicago

“Scott May seems to have effortlessly written a novel that draws you in, strangles you half to death, nurses you back to health, and has you begging for more by the end.”

— DT Robbins Author of Birds Aren't Real and Founding Editor of Rejection Letters

About the Author

Scott Mitchel May is a writer living in Madison, WI. He was the winner of the 2019 UW-Madison Writers' Institute Poem or Page Competition in the category of literary fiction, and his unpublished novel, Bridgeport Nowhere, was shortlisted for the 2022 Santa Fe Writers' Project Literary Award. His debut novel, Breakneck: or, it happened once in America, is forthcoming from Anxiety Press in early 2023. He is also the author of the novelette, All Burn Down, forthcoming in October 2023 from Emerge Press, and his second novel Awful People: a ghost story is coming in early 2024 from Death of Print Books. He holds a GED from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and a BS in English Literature from Edgewood College. He tweets @smitchelmay.


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