Poetry: Recognized by Kristin Garth


Notice these new ducks know who she is. 
Were each whispered to by relatives, passed 
away since she grew tall, plumed witnesses 
who observed all when she once trespassed,
hand in hand, onto the edge of a pier,
with a behemoth/man lulled by beer, into 
a preternatural daze where she appears 
a nymph discovered where oak trees occlude 
inhumanities but not panoramic 
views of feathered beasts who would not blink,
who saw inside of her in chromatics 
beyond her capacity to think? 
These progeny find her aged, crossing streets,
recognize prey once displayed by a beast.

Kristin Garth is a womanchildish Pushcart, Rhysling nominated sonneteer and a Best of the Net 2020 finalist, the author of DADDY (Anxiety Press, Fall 2023) and 26 more books of poetry and prose. She is also the dollhouse architect of Pink Plastic House a tiny journal. 


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