New from Anxiety Press: Moebler

Anxiety Press is pleased to announce the release of: Moebler by Julius Olofsson


What happens when someone is all alone on an island?
What happens when someone learns they have a daughter?
What happens when someone finds a dead body in their bathtub?
What happens when someone goes hunting with milky eyes?


“Olofsson’s Moebler opens as some kind of demented IKEA commercial, playing with the notion that all our stuff can save us. Of course, it can’t. The characters in this book are wrecked by common demons, the worst kind: grief, shame and loneliness. And their attempts at winning these battles are absurd and hallucinatory, like the hagiographies of the old desert saints. The interlinked structure allows readers to know more than the characters it describes, adding to its overall empathy. Olofsson writes with compassion for and respect for the privacy of these characters who seem to want to, in plain sight, disappear.”
—Sean Ennis, author of Cunning, Baffling, Powerful

“Julius Olofsson has a unique ability to craft surrealist narratives from all the mundane elements in the humdrum of everyday life. Moebler is a mesmerizing puzzle that, piece by piece, assembles itself into a surrealist painting about identity, loss and loneliness in the borderlands of a soulless consumerist society.”
—Simon StÃ¥lenhag, artist and author of Tales from the Loop and The Electric State

“One of the most strikingly original works I’ve read in years, strange and disturbing yet still full of heart, a must-read for fans of subversive fiction.”
—Gaynor Jones, author of Among These Animals

Moebler is a sharp, surprising collection that lights up on every page. I couldn’t put it down.”
—Mike Nagel, author of Duplex

“With these interconnected short stories, Julius Olofsson explores the ordinary dramas that somehow take on titanic meaning. Told with a tender, almost poetic voice, Moebler is a small book that asks the big questions. For fans of sharp and poignant fiction, Olofsson is someone to watch. This chapbook firmly plants his flag.”
—Kyle Seibel, American author

Moebler is an ethereal amalgam of tragedy and dark comedy. In other words, it's fucking beautiful.”
—D.T. Robbins, author of Birds Aren't Real

“Olofsson's stories offer an accumulation of oddities, the familiar rendered obscene and overwhelming, a world held together by wooden dowels and human want.”
—Andrew F. Sullivan, author of The Marigold and The Handyman Method

About the Author

Born in Sweden, Julius Olofsson has been writing since his early years. He’s studied scriptwriting and game design and has split his professional work between games and marketing. Privately, he’s written books, short stories, flash fiction, and screenplays and created several text-based games.
Moebler is his debut book.


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