Poetry: Blame It On My Big Dick by G.R. Tomaini

Blame It On My Big Dick
Blame It On My Big Dick —
Blame It All On My Big Dick !
Angels ’ s Tears And Moonlit Howls —
Stifled Lives And Raw Hot Pink Bowels ! 
Liar ’ s Deceit : Grunts Of Doe - Eyed Harlem Twinks :
Lover ’ s Quarrels , Bitter Defeats . . . 
Blame It On My Big Dick —
Blame It All On My Big Dick !
Climate Change : Economic Recessions : 
Wars : Whores : Bores : Smoores . . . 
Blame It On My Big Dick —
Blame It All On My Big Dick !
Tarantulan Snares : Double - Dipping Little Snakes . . .
Problems In Your Life : Pornos : Raunchy Affairs !
Pitiful And Hopeless Boys : Harmful Ploys :
Challenging Fellatio For An Insufferable Garçon . . .
Blame It On My Big Dick —
Blame It All On My Big Dick !

G.R. Tomaini is a prolific writer and thinker known for his contributions in poetry, philosophy, ethics, global justice, and theology. As a First-Generation LGBTQ Federal McNair Scholar, he has authored nine books, including seven captivating poetry collections. His philosophical monographs are the “Encyclopedia of American Idealism: Toward a Novel Method and System of Philosophy,” and the “Tractatus Perfectio-Philosophicus: Or, Discourses on the Dharma of Civilization and its Odyssey toward International Harmony.” Tomaini's poetry books, such as "Ballad of An American Ganymede: Explorations of Queeritude In Fifty Seven Cantos" and "The Rainbow Cantos: Two Attempts At Queering The Canon," have received critical attention. His works have been featured in esteemed publications, including those by Outcast Press, Selcouth Station Press, Agapanthus Collective, and Roi Fainéant Press. Notably, Tomaini's writings have garnered recognition from influential intellectuals like Cornel West, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, and Slavoj Žižek. To explore Tomaini's poetry and more, you can visit his website or follow him on Twitter @Gtomaini. He resides in none of your fucking business.


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