Poetry: Run by Chris Cooper


The scariest thing about life is that there is no finish line, so you never really know where or how far you have to go. Living out each day, assessing the past and present while eyeing the future, we choose directions based on impulse and prudence, decisions that guide the run.
And it starts out like a sprint with fast-twitch ambition and energized strides, until the eventual fatigue causes a recalculation in approach, an adjustment to the race, a realization that it’s actually a marathon, requiring both stamina and endurance, a steadier pace. And subconsciously, we’re convinced tomorrow is expected, assuming there’s always another day, more time to catch up. But you never really know if there’s a lifetime ahead, another mile to go, or if you're experiencing your last conscious breaths, and maybe that's the beauty of it all.

Chris Cooper is an English literature graduate of James Madison University. His 2020 short story Finn Almost Buys a Goldfish won the 'Emerging Writer’s Award' at Spank the Carp Magazine, and his short story, The Swim was recognized as the Best in Fiction for 2019 at Across the Margin. His work has also been featured in Hash Journal Mag, Expat Press, Misery Tourism, and elsewhere.


  1. Wow, this is terrific. So many lines in here that are filled with clever metaphors. I could see this line becoming a tattoo "The scariest thing about life is that there is no finish line."

  2. I only really know Chris from his short stories, but I found this just as moving. Love it!

  3. Once again another beautiful piece written by Chris, maybe I am bias here because he is my family as our families have been friends, like blood, for 40 plus years... Chris' talent for writing has exploded over the past years and he is extremely talent. With all love Cuz and support on future projects... Expect Christopher Cooper to be with out a doubt A #1 Best Seller as he pushes through with his amazing ideas, words and thoughts placing a novel sense into the world of writing.
    God Bless Chris and with love and admiration best of luck Fam! Xoxo AJ

  4. Been following Chris since his appearance on the Auxoro podcast and found this recent poem from a google search. Amazed by how much depth he demonstrates with his works, the way he's able to navigate between the light and darkness with such crafted prose is truly remarkable.


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