
Submission Guidelines:

We are currently closed for submissions

A Thin Slice of Anxiety is always interested in reading submissions from both seasoned and emerging writers.

We are especially interested in the following genres:

  • Poetry.
  • Fiction.
  • Flash Fiction.
  • Creative Non-Fiction.
  • Responses to current events in politics and culture.
  • Philosophical essays and social commentary.
  • Art and literary criticism.
  • Book reviews.
  • Interviews with writers, artists, scholars, activists, and community leaders.

Please follow the guidelines listed below. Submissions that do not follow these guidelines will not be considered for publication.

For all submissions, please email:
and include the following in the email body:

- Name (as you would like printed)
- Email address
- Title(s) (brief descriptions welcome)
- 3rd person bio (please limit to 100 words)
- Author website (as applicable)
- Author Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram links (as applicable)

Content should be emailed as an attachment (.doc, .docx, .txt, pdf, .rtf, or pasted in the body of your email, 12 point Times New Roman preferred, double spaced preferred. For photography/art we prefer high-resolution JPEG or PNG files). All personal information as requested above should be in the email body or as a separate attachment.

Please indicate the type of submission and author first and last name in the email title (i.e. Fiction – John Doe)

We also accept simultaneous submissions, but we ask that you please let us know immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere. We prefer previously unpublished material, but may accept previously published material as long as the author owns the copyright and provides appropriate attribution.

Please allow up to 90 days for a response. If you do not hear back from us after this time, please feel free to place your work elsewhere. We will try our best to respond to all submissions.

At this time we are unable to provide monetary compensation for accepted submissions. (We hope to change this in the future). All funds currently go towards the administrative costs of running the site.

Thank you for your interest in A Thin Slice of Anxiety 

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