New from Anxiety Press: Sun Bleached Scarecrows

Anxiety Press is pleased to announce the release of Sun Bleached Scarecrows by James Jenkins


Sun Bleached Scarecrows is a thrilling noir that immerses readers in its raw depictions of reality and complex characters, delivering one hell of a suspenseful ride.


“With a style that is both poetic and incisive, James Jenkins crafts stories that are as beautiful as they are compelling. Each sentence is a work of art, painting vivid pictures in the reader's mind and evoking a wide range of emotions. Whether it's a novel or a short story, Jenkin’s writing is always irresistible and leaves a lasting impression. He is a true master of his craft and Sun Bleached Scarecrows is a must-read for anyone looking for a truly outstanding literary experience."
— Cody Sexton, EIC for A Thin Slice of Anxiety and publisher at Anxiety Press

Sun Bleached Scarecrows by James Jenkins is at once action packed and coy, hilarious and unsettling, heartwarming and poignant; he changes gears like a Mercedes sliding into the fast lane, but observes human behavior with a patient and keen eye. The author juxtaposes moments of drama and hard crime from people living new lives with side splitting thoughts or sweet conversations between two unassuming lovers. From unwritten rules in police offices to unique hobbies and from sly looks from old friends to uncomfortable conversations with unwanted acquaintances Jenkins pulls together a story through multiple narrators that traverses rural and urban landscapes, multiple countries and is one you won’t want to put down.”
— Matthew McGuirk, author of Oil Stains Like Rorschachs

 “A writer confidently punching with the greats, Jenkins has sharpened his tools razor-sharp here with a tight, taut and gripping thriller. I loved it and can't wait for more.”
—John Bowie - Bristol Noir 

“James Jenkins has done it again, and in incredible style too. This gritty and brutal follow up to his epic Parochial Pigs is another gripping gangland/underworld story that returns - in part - to Colney (which is something nobody should ever do) and it is astonishingly well written. It delivers in terms of plot, setting, language and tone, though it is the cast of unforgettable characters that James has created that truly make this violent and twisted story so engrossing and engaging. Jenkins has given us characters that are damaged, deranged and vile, and also scared, hurting and vulnerable. And each one of them is believable - regardless of how fucked up they might be - and has a true place in the story. The new characters, the new settings, the old violence … THIS book lovers is absolutely brilliant.”
— Andrew Marsh - Dial Lane Books

About the Author

James Jenkins is a Suffolk based writer of gritty noir fiction. He has work published or forthcoming in Bristol Noir, Punch-Riot Mag, Bullshit Lit, A Thin Slice of Anxiety and Punk Noir.


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