Poetry: Damages by James Lilley


She doesn’t want me to leave but
she doesn’t tell me not to go 

Waiting anxiously, scrolling
through her phone 

Another victory, coming home a
little less than before 

Aiding me up the stairs, the
aches and pain 

Bruises blooming like flowers
across my back 

I shiver when she traces a finger
along the rope burns 

I cant pick up my kids to hold
them close 

Hands swollen beyond

Never again I tell her. She smiles. 

We both know this is a lie. But we
pretend until I leave again.

James Lilley is from Swansea, Wales. He is a champion bare-knuckle boxer and a published poet with two collections (The Thousand Ghosts of You by Alien Buddha and The Blue Hour by Uncle B. Publications.) He has had poems published across multiple zines as well as short stories and flash fiction and was named Versifications 2020 Punk of The Year.


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