Poetry: Selections from Adam Johnson


your favorite number is four, you live in the suburbs and are betrothed and ride horses and order food on your phone it’s cool you should see the city i don’t care if you’re an old man and i’m 15 i love you alex! hey, my orthodontist has tickets to the billie eilish concert and he molested my brother so i’m going for free in a limo do you want to go i have a gun i’m so sick of my braces can you grab me a burrito bowl at chipotle on your way ok cool and some 9mm ammo thanks oh and also a blue red bull i’m sober don’t try anything lol would you mind if i sent you an emoji i’ve been working on i want to copyright it but don’t know how maybe i’ll ask dana her sister is a lawyer in the bay and she’s beautiful on insta i’ll ttyl hey its true by the way, my friend harper died last week and please have them ad guac to the burrito bowl thx.

dent ina book
you can indent the cocksucker
not sure, precisingly, but the
previous owner of this book wouldn’t say boo to a goose
did you take something?
              [this is called a dent in the book]
are you just typing for one person?
kind of
i get the whole niche art thingbut i’m afraid that you’re like only writing for yourself and you keep out-bidding people on guns.com the whole house is full of them and that new laugh you have, jesus christ it is scaring everyone your mom mentioned it to me too i don’t think we’re at the point of an intervention but there is no way i’m moving to florida with you where we have no family if you’re slowly going insane i’m just being honest it’s not like i want it this way but i have to be real, so anyway do you still want to watch love is blind later on netflix and can you pick up wine on your way home?

Adam Johnson lives in Minnesota


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