Poetry: After Beckett by Marc Isaac Potter

After Beckett
“... that he might sleep heavily, silently… “ …
But the fact is he could not sleep.  … ...  The din of traffic is a coalition of cheetahs, attacking the dusking suns… … [pause] … angry they missed the last feast.
My stepmother was not a beast.
Her teaching of us was to say: “You know that you will never amount to anything, right?” To this day I carry her wisdom with me..
Part Two
“ He was listening in the dusk …  listening so intently that he did not hear her enter. “ ...
In the din of the cheetahs,
The pancake syrup bottle
For its emptiness.
Long ago a fleet of walnuts had
Sailed through a delicious bay
Of Maple Syrup, not yet sweetly forgotten.
While Walnuts were sailing
through the bottleneck
Of the Bay
He was listening
For the rudders of the Walnuts
to scrap against the pancakes.
He was listening intensely …
He was attempting to listen so very intensely
Part Three
“ They found her caressing his wild dead hair.”
Remember that he did not hear her enter,
He Heard her words, her teaching:.
…  “You know that you will never amount to anything, right?”
. .

Marc Isaac Potter (we/they/them) …  is a differently-abled writer living in the SF Bay Area. Marc’s interests include blogging by email and Zen. They have been published in Fiery Scribe Review, Feral A Journal of Poetry and Art,  Poetic Sun Poetry, and Provenance Journal.   


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