New from Anxiety Press: Blind Turns in the Kitchen Sink

Anxiety Press is pleased to announce the release of: Blind Turns in the Kitchen Sink by David Estringel


In this visceral exploration of life's tumultuous moments, Estringel fearlessly navigates the chaos of existence, laying bare the struggles, triumphs, and the gritty beauty found in the ordinary. Much like the Bukowski tradition, Blind Turns in the Kitchen Sink pulls no punches, serving up verse that is as potent as it is poignant.

Each poem is a blind turn, a journey into the heart of the human condition, where vulnerability is a strength, and flaws are celebrated as facets of a rich and complex tapestry.

Blind Turns in the Kitchen Sink is a testament to the enduring power of words to capture the essence of our shared humanity.

About the Author

David Estringel is a Xicanx writer/poet with works published in literary publications, such as The Opiate, Azahares, Cephalorpress, Lahar, Poetry Ni, DREICH, Rigorous, Somos En Escrito, Hispanecdotes, Ethel, The Milk House, Beir Bua Journal, and The Blue Nib. His first collection of poetry and short fiction Indelible Fingerprints was published in April 2019, followed by three poetry chapbooks, Punctures (2019), PeripherieS (2020), and Eating Pears on the Rooftop (coming 2022). His new book of micro poetry little punctures, a collaboration with UK illustrator, Luca Bowles, will be released in 2022.


  1. Thanks! I'm not really a poetry reader, but this collection sounds good.


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