From the Editor

Dear A Thin Slice of Anxiety Readers,

I wanted to call your attention to our newest columnist, Sebastian Vice.

His column Notes of a Degenerate Dreamer will appear on the site twice a month, and can only be described as a nihilists version of It’s a Wonderful Life. 

Sebastian is the founder of Outcast-Press, an indie publishing company specializing in transgressive fiction and dirty realism. His poetry and short fiction has, or will, appear in Punk Noir Magazine, A Thin Slice of Anxiety, Close To The Bone, Terror House Magazine, and the anthology In Filth It Shall Be Found.

For a sense of how Sebastian feels about his role here you might consider this:

“I am an authority on nothing. What I will present here are nothing more than one mans musings. These musings will not be pretty (what the hell ever is?) and you’ll often find straightforward ramblings, perhaps even an aphorism or two. I have no goal other than to invite you to contemplate some of the more darker aspects of reality.
Some common themes I’ll be whoring out will be: death, suicide, anti-natalism, and nihilism (sometimes all at once). And even if you end up disagreeing with my assessment of things, you’ll hopefully feel less alone, as I come to you without pretense. Welcome to the mind of a degenerate dreamer.”

What a columnist owes his readers isn’t a bid for their constant attention or agreement. Serious columnists resist agreement and welcome debate and controversy.

And I am absolutely thrilled that Sebastian has agreed to join our team and I for one look forward to his insights. 

Best regards,

Cody Sexton

Managing Editor/Founder/Creator

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