Awards: Pushcart Nominees 2022

A Thin Slice of Anxiety is pleased to announce our nominations for the 2023 Pushcart Prize

We were honored to have had so many incredible pieces to choose from in order to put forward and we are delighted to share with you our nominees. 

As you know here at A Thin Slice of Anxiety our literary landscape dips and dives across diverse genres. And so, to give you a glimpse of the talent on offer, we include below a few opening lines to each nominated piece.


Niki Perez - Sunrise

“When you laughed along  
she isn’t good
enough with your family,”

“My parents were millionaires
When having a million dollars meant something
My parents were penniless, beaten and broken under crushing debt
My parents were entrepreneurs
When being an entrepreneur didn’t mean being a capitalist
Because everybody was a capitalist”


“February 2011. Nine sharp on a snowblown Chicago Monday morning, the start of another weary work week.”

“‘Dreams and Realities’ is the title of the sole manuscript of Virginia Woolf’s second novel, Night and Day. This working title captures the period in which the book was written—a society scarred by World War One and a cultural landscape tumbling into the most significant literary epoch in history.”


Kirstyn Petras  - Interview 6.9.2

“CD: So, I just speak into this? Look over… where do I look?
AM: Towards Justin’s camera to your left can you – yes, can you just shift so you’re slightly at an angle, yes. Justin, that look good?”

Alex Luceli JimĂ©nez - Possession

“Our daughter is possessed.”

Thank you to all of our contributors for sharing your work and for making 2022 much more bearable.
(And if you haven’t yet read their contributions, what the fuck are you waiting for, get them in your queue now!)


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