New from Anxiety Press: From Bad To Worse

Anxiety Press is pleased to announce the release of: From Bad To Worse by Peter Gutiérrez


“Peter Gutiérrez speaks directly to the reader. He consistently tears down the fourth wall with the fervor of a man possessed. A storyteller with a keen eye for details, this collection is as dark as it is confounding.”
— Joe Schwartz, author of Strange Fle$h

"At turns uncanny and devilishly clever, this collection of beautifully-crafted gems never fails to entrance and surprise. Gutiérrez constantly takes narrative risks and, unlike some of his characters, lives to tell another eerie tale."
— Kevin C. Pyle, author of Bad For You, Blindspot, and Lab U.S.A.

"Peter Gutiérrez’s From Bad To Worse reminds me of the story collections I devoured growing up: from the Twilight Zone series to Hitchcock’s scary tales to Henry James’s ghost stories, with a heady twist of Conrad and Borges. These stories confront the darkness of the human condition with ingenuity and wit, taking the reader on a sophisticated ride. Psychological, literary, terrifying and fun, Gutiérrez’s storytelling gifts and mastery of stylistic maneuvers create a complex, compelling, and surprising experience. Read at your own peril."
— Jane Mendelsohn, New York Times Bestselling author of I Was Amelia Earhart and Burning Down the House

In this collection of tales, Peter Gutiérrez leads us through a maze of imagination reflecting different times, places and voices. His stories are deep, dark and thoughtful, ranging from the mysterious to the ironic. From Bad To Worse is an unforgettable and endearing piece of literature.
— Douglas Bales, Author of Maximum Taxi

About the Author

A longtime freelancer, Peter Gutiérrez has had his fiction, poetry, journalism, nonfiction, comics, and photos published in a range of mainstream and indie venues over the past few decades. He lives and works—both terms used loosely—in New Jersey.


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