Poetry: Selections from Joe Haward


Fascinate me
Selfie’s mirror taunts.
Crave me
Multitudinous voyeurs imitate.
Entertain me
Social royalty summons.
Absurd you
Court jester mimics.
Fuck you
Baying media mob.
Forget you
Influencing algorithm’s altar.


“Where are you from?”
Diversity disrupting Empire’s nostalgic bigotry.
“No, like, originally.”
“Can you speak English?”
Xenophobic aversion reducing brain capacity.
“Am I clear?”
“It’s just a joke.”
Prejudicial hate exposed via familiarity.
“You’re too sensitive.”
“You are fucking dead.”
Violence formed within societal disdain.
“Go back home.”
“They had it coming.”
Accountability abandoned by discrimination’s seduction.
“Not our fault.”


Lights reflect off polished teeth as polished words seep like snake oil/executive slides an envelope over opening the doors of power/to make your lives better and raise/his ambitions and opportunities to increase his wealth/for the whole of society/is a tool to enhance his career/chances no matter your background/checks are waived/at the crowd who cheer/s and here’s to many future/leader and probable prime minister addresses the/gullible crowd under the glare of reporter’s lights/reflect off polished teeth.

Joe Haward is the author of two nonfiction books that explore the intersection between humanity, faith, film, and culture. As a horror writer, poet, freelance journalist, and book reviewer, his work has appeared, and is upcoming across multiple sites, in various anthologies and publications, including Byline Times, Cinnabar Moth Publishing, Ghost Orchid Press, Horror Oasis, Cosmic Horror Monthly, and Outcast Press


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