New from Anxiety Press: White Paint Falling Through a Filtered Shaft

Anxiety Press is pleased to announce the release of: White Paint Falling Through a Filtered Shaft by Adam Johnson


In this highly anticipated new collection Adam Johnson brilliantly showcases his continuing development as a poet who has remained fierce in his avoidance of the beaten path. His work stands as both a rebellious assertion of the call to clarity and a profound affirmation of the world in all its aspects. 


“Johnson is unique. His word-by-word virtuosity is off the charts.” — Justine Jones, editor 

“Johnson is a master croupier of fates, raking in each individual’s sad stack of chips. He can work in detailed single portraiture, each grimace and hurt eyebrow passing off the pain as not that big a deal when we know it is.” — Jesse Hilson, author of Blood Trip

“An undeniable sadness lies just beneath the glossy Nineties-centric surface of Adam Johnson’s work. White Paint Falling Through a Filtered Shaft is quietly devastating.” — James Nulick, author of Lazy Eyes

“White Paint Falling Through a Filtered Shaft is an overwhelming poetic accomplishment: simultaneously devastating and comic, intimate and discerning, wildly inventive and meticulously restrained; a cornucopian collection so diverse and rich it could easily have filled four volumes. And that's without mentioning Larson, the picaresque degenerate and Johnson's crowning achievement, who stands alongside J. Alfred Prufrock and Berryman's Henry in the ranks of poetry's great pathological-lovable characters. Tremendous.”  William H. Duryea, Editor-in-Chief of Misery Tourism

“Adam Johnson’s book feels good to read like how it feels to listen to your favorite punk rock cassette tape or beloved zine. Something raw and untouched by any need to look pretty for you. Adam Johnson makes realness look easy to get right. White Paint lives on no side of the law. Crack pipes and Courthouses.” — Elizabeth Aldrich, author of Ruthless Little Things 

About the Author

Adam Johnson lives in Minneapolis. His first collection of poetry, What Are You Doing Out Here Alone, Away From Everyone? was published by HASH Press in December, 2021.


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