Poetry: Selections from Jan Darrow


Someone let go of the reins
and just like that
they were lost.
We had always dreamed of horses.
We wandered the woods
all winter
We found them in the spring.
Half dead was the horse that didn’t
shed his saddle.
Someone could have stitched the sores.
Those people
a vet
But instead, they shot him.
Just like that.

A Piece of the Story

In the beginning
there was a tree lined shore
she had forgotten
and the wind.
One day rain
the sun away.
And when the storm came
all that she remembered
was the silence
of the wave.

Jan Darrow is a graduate of the University of Michigan and lives in Michigan with her husband and daughter.  She has recently been published by Poppy Road ReviewThe Purpled Nail, Black Poppy Review, and has work forthcoming in New Feathers Anthology. Her collections of poetry and flash fiction are available on Amazon. 


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