New from Anxiety Press: Too Numb to Cum

Anxiety Press is pleased to announce the release of: Too Numb to Cum by Cody Sexton


I remain forever enchanted by the delicate temple hidden within the depths of some girls thighs


“What would you get if you were to exhume Geoffrey Chaucer and feed him a diet of dark web pornography and insane root? Perhaps this collection. Grim and bawdy, and funny at times, these fetishistic ballads strike at the heart of our natures and our fantasies.” — Adam Johnson, author of Cialis, Verdi, Gin, Jag

“Cody Sexton wants to watch a porn film that starts with people being initiated into a cult. This is amongst other things; but the idea of mind control, of initiation, of being consumed with something feels very apt when talking about Too Numb to Cum – a collection of porno obsessed missives that dive around the narrator’s imagination and bob their heads up in all manner of scenarios. But what Sexton achieves is more than just a bunch of wank fantasies told by someone with a finely tuned potty-mouth. Too Numb to Cum captures something else – several things – the boredom, the ennui, a depression that weighs you down so heavily that it feels almost too much – Too Numb to Cum searches for the escape button, and shows the weird paths that a person’s mind will sometimes go through to find it.” — Thomas Moore, author of Forever  

“Too Numb to Cum puts the verse back into perverse, its gristly and throbbing lines Ezra Pound away at your poetic sphincter. Gulped down in one long splurged orgy of inspiration and perspiration, it will have you e.e. cummings (La petite mort) all night long until your John Wieners are Conrad Aiken.” — Steve Finbow, author of Grave Desire: A Cultural History of Necrophilia

“This isn’t a titillating book masquerading as an intellectual treatise. It's rather unapologetically both. But what's refreshing about it is Sexton’s raw confidence, which works like a charm. We hang on every word.” — Justine Jones, editor 

“Sexton’s style reads as if he’s late for a meeting with a sex scene. His voice is quite different from anyone else I’ve read: meticulous, inventive, radical, conflicted, and goddammit I've been infected by it.” — Janelle Janson, reviewer

Too Numb to Cum is a book of dichotomies: scenes of utopia and dystopia, the free and the imprisoned, the liberated and the repressed, the obscene and the beautiful, equally—all shown through the lens of our most base, animal instincts. Sexton bridges the gap between pornography and art, displaying with the skill and the mind of a true artist that the gap never really was much more than a thin, blurred line to begin with.” — Jack Moody, author of Crooked Smile

Too Numb to Cum is a labyrinthine collection of honesty. Fantasies are the baseline of our collective experience as human beings. They help us in moments of peril—sometimes, we imagine a surreal nirvana to escape the pain of death. Cody Sexton relays his pornographic imaginings in such a blunt way that you would be a fool not to see a hint of your own reflection. Whether you are sexless or tortured by inhuman desire, sex is something we cannot pontificate. Sexton expresses sexual deviancy with as much vulnerablilty as the acts themselves.” — Courtenay Schembri Gray, assistant editor for A Thin Slice of Anxiety 

About the Author

Cody Sexton is the founder of Anxiety Press and Managing Editor for A Thin Slice of Anxiety. He is also the co-host/brainchild of the popular YouTube channel: The Varieties of my Anxieties


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