Poetry: The Unspoken Half Truth Of Innocent Lips by Kristin Garth

The Unspoken Half 
Truth Of Innocent Lips

Still has one half of that cheerleader smile.
Left canine lengthened last year to a point.
Skin disintegrated with denial 
along one rib cage and one shoulder joint.
Left iris widened then started to glow. 
If she works her angles on Instagram,
there is no reason for anyone to know 
she’s half rotten, entirely damned 
even if she has one seductive doe eye.
Flutters it vulnerably as if she 
were shy for faraway strangers who buy 
plane tickets, hotel rooms to chase the 
unspoken half truth of innocent lips.
None recover from what her left side inflicts.

Kristin Garth is a Pushcart, Rhysling nominated sonneteer and a Best of the Net 2020 finalist. Her sonnets have stalked journals like Glass, Yes, Five:2:One, Luna Luna and more. She is the author of over 20 books of poetry including Crow Carriage (Sweet Tooth Story Books) and The Stakes (Really Serious Literature) and the founder of Pink Plastic House a tiny journal. 


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