New from Anxiety Press: That Which Hell Promises

Anxiety Press is pleased to announce the release of: That Which Hell Promises by Cody Sexton


That Which Hell Promises is a rich and thought-provoking work. It is a book that will appeal to any reader interested in literature, art, and the eternal questions of the human condition.


“Sexton’s conception of Hell is every bit as strange, terrifying and bizarrely beautiful as anything he’s ever written… and that’s saying a lot.”
— Amanda Insley, Professor of Art History

“Cody Sexton is at it again. Toying with book concepts and disturbing imagery, and this time he tells stories in a most unique way: with artwork that challenges a reader’s sensibilities and taste. Each page of this book is a contradiction of horror and fantasy. Each piece is a war between author and art, a nightmare that pierces through daydreams. It’s different. It’s disgusting and disturbing, and I dig it.”
— Dan Denton, author of $100-A-Week Motel

“The dark purpose of Hell is so fully realized in this work, and is beautifully represented in an unforgiving manner. I’m glad I got to experience this.”
— Charles Austin, editorial page editor for Pros and Cons

“Sexton’s tortured landscape is one of the few truly original and imaginative renderings of Hell that I've seen in quite a while.”
— Owen Grey, author of Puking Up Rednecks

“That Which Hell Promises is a dark, difficult, apocalyptic collection. What impresses me most about Sexton's work is his use of light, not to expose flaws, the gross fragility of flesh, but to reveal - to revel - in the beauty that exists in every type of body. Light that makes me want to lean in, when my natural inclination might be to pull away. To make me see something I wouldn't have before.”
— Meagan Lucas, author Songbirds and Stray Dogs and Editor-in-Chief of Reckon Review  

“Cody Sexton has produced perhaps one of the most beautiful and most terrible books of the twenty-first century.”
— Justine Jones, freelance editor

“These are works reminiscent of painter John Martin, whose own vistas of Hell hang in the world's finest museums.”
— Preston Hill, Associate Professor of Philosophy

That Which Hell Promises will knock you sideways and then hit you two or three times on the way down. There is no phantom punch here. Sexton comes full force so that even after you've finished, you'll remember his art like afterimages in a lightning storm, a place in your mind recently touched by danger.”
— Sheldon Lee Compton, author of Brown Bottle

That Which Hell Promises is a collection of images suffused with such beauty and horror that the viewer feels simultaneously suffocated and euphoric. At times, it’s difficult to discern if the subject is alive or dead, or if we’re gazing on a corpse that has been reanimated and is now an entirely new creature embarking on a different, more promising, existence. Compelling is not the word. Mesmerizing is perhaps better, but still incapable of describing the full effect the book had on this reader.”
— Lauren Sapala, author of West is San Francisco 

That Which Hell Promises is an astonishing work of art. Through each piece Sexton shows not only the uneasy relationship between sexuality and the body, but also manages to solidify in the observers mind that he is unmistakably the second coming of H.R. Giger.”
— Sebastian Vice, author of Homo Mortalis: Meditations on Memento Mori

About the Author

Cody Sexton is the managing editor for A Thin Slice of Anxiety and founder of Anxiety Press. 


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