Poetry: Selections from Damien Posterino


Spills vodka over her birthday gown.
Rubs it into an angry smudge,
massacres butterflies and lollipops.
Taps her golden wrist,
winds her watch
and all the world around her.   
Builds a wall, 
a circle of rage 
with all her gifts-
brick by brick by brick.
Big shiny boxes with bigger bows, 
ribbon curls dancing into flames.   
Sits alone
with shattered splinters
of martini glass
that sparkle like glitter.
 Legs, arms, faces crossed
inside her royal moat 
no one dares to pass.
Spotlight and surrender.
Now make a wish. 

Tell Me Another Lie

Tell me that this river is scorched earth
as it dances to the brim.      
Tell me these waters are your memories
receding with each lash of the sun's tongue.
Let’s cast our bodies into the flow
so we roam with wild currents like sailors singing shanties.
Let's feed ourselves to the ravenous rapids
which will spit and swallow us,
rocks will bellow at us
while we wait for deliverance.  
Tell me unquenchable truth will save us.

Damien Posterino (he/him) is a Melbourne-born poet writing in Mexico. His poetry explores themes of characters, commentary, and capturing moments in time. He has been published in recent editions of Fiery Scribe, Neuro Logical, Analogies & Allegories Literary Magazine, Abergavenny Small Press, BOMBFIRE, Jupiter Review, Fairy Piece, Poetic Sun Journal, Green Ink, Zero Readers, Melbourne Culture Corner, Sledgehammer Lit, and Rough Diamond. 


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