Poetry: Selections from Danny D. Ford

Ciggie & a Smile

when my aunt
moved in with us
she took a job
in an old people’s home
up the road
she never seemed bothered
by the smells and the filth
& all the imminent death
the old people’s home
wasn’t bad either
except there was one lady
she said
that gave her the creeps
‘sleep walks
with her eyes open..’
she said
she hasn’t got any eyes

A Man Clipped

I got out
in a red mist
& the man
had a small dog
and a cancer throat
& both caught me off guard
a voice
like a tractor
& the dog
barking & jumping
on the back seat
going mental
it was his fault
but he said
if mine wasn’t broken
we could just leave it
his was broken
& I saw him
in the reflection
with the shattered glass
of another day

Sibling SeeSaw

I was about to lift
the second pint
to my lips
was alarmed
by the time
of the call
I excused myself
across a wooden bench
through gasping
she told me
he had
cut his fingers off
I put the pint
tried to talk her
hung up
excused myself again
threw up
in the outside

She Tells Me She’s Going

for a walk
by the lake
but it’s a manmade pond
an attempt to make
out of town offices
more acceptable
on the eye

Danny D. Ford’s poetry & artwork have appeared in numerous online & print journals including Three Poets 5 (Hickathrift Press) Raffle’ & Wellbeing (Poems For All) Sunshine JunkieFlexeril HaikusSlides for Alberto (Between Shadows Press) and Perforated by Sirens (Analog Submission Press). 


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