Poetry: Poets and their Tinder Bios by Courtenay Schembri Gray

Poets and their Tinder Bios
Frank O’Hara: Have a coke with me!
Charles Bukowski: I worked at a post office, so I know a thing or two bout’ sorting your mail.
Carol Ann Duffy: Show me your little red cap and I’ll show you mine.
Sylvia Plath: I eat men like air.
Anne Sexton: Talk to me about sadness.
Emily Dickinson: The truth must dazzle gradually, or every man be blind.
John Keats: You could be my bright star.
Dylan Thomas: Show me the curves of your nude mouth.
Amy Lowell: Her kisses were sharp buds of fire, and yours could be mine.
Mary Oliver: This probably won’t happen, but maybe it will.
Edgar Allen Poe: If you’re looking to score, keep-a-knockin’ on my chamber door.
Wendy Cope: My heart has made up its mind, and I’m afraid it’s you.
e.e.cummings: i’ll carry your heart in mine.
T. S. Eliot: You ought to be ashamed to look so antique.
Ezra Pound: Come in out of the night.
Paul Laurence Dunbar: I wear the mask.
Maya Angelou: You may shoot me with your words.
William Shakespeare: Your breasts are ivory globes circled with blue.
Oscar Wilde: We kill what we love.

Courtenay Schembri Gray is a pushcart nominated writer from the North of England. You’ll find her work in an array of journals such as A Thin Slice of Anxiety, Misery Tourism, Expat Press, Red Fez, and many more.


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