New from Anxiety Press: The Most Beautiful Thing About June

Anxiety Press is pleased to announce the release of: The Most Beautiful Thing About June by Victor Clevenger 


With an eye for detail and a deft touch with words, Clevenger’s chapbook perfectly captures the essence of what it means to be human.


“Life never takes its boot off the accelerator, regardless of what’s going on around the world. In Victor Clevenger’s The Most Beautiful Thing About June, he demonstrates this amid a divided country and a global pandemic. From gritty poems about sacrifice, morality and dysfunctional relationships, this punchy collection is a reminder that as life speeds ahead, all you can do is hang on.” — Cord Moreski, author of The News Around Town
“Victor Clevenger’s latest release, “The Most Beautiful Thing About June” features 25 poems that knock you out cold, and when you come to they do it all over again. This collection of poems is carefully crafted from Clevenger’s own blood, pain, and experiences which lend clarity to the authenticity and sincerity of his storytelling ability as he navigates the world. This collection is only a small peak into the world of a truly important writer.” — Tohm Bakelas, poet/editor of Between Shadows Press

About the Author 
Victor Clevenger spends his days in a Madhouse and his nights writing.  Selected pieces of his work have appeared in print magazines and journals around the world. He is the author of several collections of poetry including Sandpaper Lovin’ (Crisis Chronicles Press, 2017), A Finger in the Hornets’ Nest (Red Flag Poetry, 2018), Corned Beef Hash By Candlelight (Luchador Press, 2019), A Wildflower In Blood (Roaring Junior Press, 2020), and Scratching To Get By (Between Shadows Press, 2021). Together with American poet John Dorsey, they run a small poetry press called River Dog. He can be reached at:


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