Poetry: Selections from G.R. Tomaini

Go Sunshine Head
The Chickling Should Still
Be In There Somewhere :
Chase Ever Fast After it !
Just That He Did :
Go Sunshine Head ,
Claim Your Reward !
Cupped , Pulsing in Your Hands ,
the Chick Began to Tremble :
Either You ' ll Kiss Me or Kill Me .
Who Says You Won ' t Do Both ?

Bootstraps Baby
I Am My Own Father !
I Am My Own Mother !
I Fucked Myself Adjacent . . .
My Own Disposal of Myself . . .
as a Spent Jizz Rag , Into My . . .
Own Pair of Titanium Ovaries .
I Loathed Myself Enough to . . .
Endure the Rigors of Birth . . .
and Expulsion ; I Delivered . . .
Myself Into Blood , Shit , Urine . . .
Only To Expire Into Something . . .
New , Ugly , Separate ; I Birthed . . .
and Killed Myself , To Be Wedged . . .
Precisely Right Here ; Oh !
To Eat My Placenta Again ,
To Re - Cannibalize My Soul . . .
First Must I Die , So That :
I May Be Born - Again :
to Live , to Die : to Repeat . . .
Evermore These Celestial . . .
Cycles , Which Consume Me !

G.R. Tomaini is a First-Generation LGBTQ Federal McNair Scholar and author of seven books who currently attends Union Theological Seminary in Manhattan; thus far, four works of his have been published across three volumes. His academic monograph on Philosophy, entitled Encyclopedia of American Idealism: Entries Toward a Novel Method and System of Philosophy is contracted for its second edition with Rowman & Littlefield, whereas Manticore Press published its first edition; it is prefaced by Cornel West as well as endorsed by Slavoj Žižek. One of Tomaini's six completed full-length poetry manuscripts was recently published by A Thin Slice of Anxiety Press -- Ballad of An American Ganymede: Or, Explorations of Queeritude In Fifty Seven Cantos; the work consists of fifty seven poems in the manner of Queer Existentialist Poetry inspired by Heidegger and Sartre. Two more of his other books of poetry recently have been published by Pumpernickel Press, under the title: The Rainbow Cantos: Two Attempts At Queering The Canon; the two works of poetry that were published in the same volume are Kiss Me, Ahab!: A Queer Novella Across One Hundred and Twenty Cantos and Gayowulf: An LGBTQ Epic Poem Inspired By Beowulf. Tomaini’s poems are featured in Outcast Press's magazine, Selcouth Station Press's journal, Agapanthus Collective's poetry line-up, Roi Fainéant Press's website, in a mini-publication by The Incognito Press, in an anthology published by the American Writers Review, and most recently, on Expat Press’s website. Two of Tomaini's as of yet unaccepted poetry works are Confessions of a Troglodyte: A Postmodern Autobiography In Sixty One Sonnets and Psalms For Charles Baudelaire: Or, 108 Flowers of Absinthe. Two of Tomaini's most celebrated poems are: Ode To My Butt In These Jeans and A Love Poem By Ahab Candomblé. Lastly, Tomaini's sixth poetry book is being published under a pseudonym for dramatic effect. Tomaini is currently in the process of recording several Poetry Albums based on his six books of Poetry.


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