Poetry: Hanged by Laszlo Aranyi (Frater Azmon)

(Tarot, Major Arcana 12.)
       He paid. Urinated next to the bowl. Shit spattered in his pants.
             (Again, a creepy event from Hungary.)
The fourth monosandalos of the ulcerous continent,
                    the one sandal man from the north
     arrives dancing like a clown,
as if he’d somersault over his own shadow.
What is to be said shall be stretching a bit later. It’s filthy,
      slimy and
Finally, it solidifies and shaped by its fragmentation.
      From the background the outline of a cheerful
             hanged man appears,
the rope is looped around his ankle, he’s hanging upside down
      he doesn’t wish to stand on the ground like a man.
Every sacrifice is selfish, every Redeemer is a liar.
Nests of cunning tyranny: existing subordinate and
      superordinate relations.
The country is a public scaffold. „They have
brought whores for Eleusis
Corpses are set to banquet…”
      The crippled executioner’s butchering drunkenly,
Food scraps are clotted in his mustache…
Redemption is the disgusting phlegm of the millennia,
      every victim is a liar.
             At the end, earth allows him to return
to the aquatic world.
                                                     Translated by Gabor Gyukics

Laszlo Aranyi (Frater Azmon) poet, anarchist, occultist from Hungary. Earlier books: (szellem)válaszok, A Nap és Holderők egyensúlya. New: Kiterített rókabőr. English poems published: Quail Bell Magazine, Lumin Journal, Moonchild Magazine, Scum Gentry Magazine, Pussy Magic, The Zen Space, Crêpe & Penn, Briars Lit, Acclamation Point, Truly U, Sage Cigarettes Magazine, Lots of Light Literary Foundation, Honey Mag, Theta Wave, Re-side, Cape Magazine, Neuro Logical, The Daily Drunk Mag, Unpublishable Zine, Melbourne Culture Corner, Beir Bua Journal, Crown & Pen, Dead Fern Press, Coven Poetry Journal, Journal of Erato, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Spillover Magazine, Punk Noir, Nymphs Literary Journal,  Synchronized Chaos, Impspired Magazine, Fugitives & FuturistsThe Dope Fiend DailyMausoleum Press, Nine Magazines, Thanks Hun, Downtown ArchiveHearth & Coffin Literary Journal, Our Poetry Archive (OPA), Juniper Literary Magazine, Feral Dove Magazine, Alternate Route, CENTRE FOR EXPERIMENTAL ONTOLOGY, Bullshit Lit Magazine, Misery tourism, All Ears (India), Utsanga (Italy), Postscript Magazine (United Arab Emirates), The International Zine Project (France), Swala Tribe Magazine (Rwanda), The QuillS Journal (Nigeria). 


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